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  1. #1
    Forum Member
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    Jan 2018

    Post How FairFight Works Explained

    FairFight explained!

    First things first, FairFight is a statistics gathering application that gathers player information to combat unwanted player behaviour. It's not an anti cheat program, because it doesn't detect cheats!
    It does not reside on the clients PC nor on the server the game is hosted on, but it resides on a separate server in the middle (middleware).
    Image showing how FairFight works on WarZ:

    So in short: Fairfight doesn't give a flying **** who is cheating. All it's doing is gathering stats and banning on abnormalities regardless of whether you're cheating or not.
    It tracks everything (if opted) and logs it on the FairFight server that saves the recorded information.

    I believe they're tracking the following on BF4

    SPM (Score per Minute)
    K/D (Kill Death Ratio)
    DPS (Damage Per shot)
    Ranges on kills ( distance )
    KPM (Kills Per Minute)
    GPS like moment stats on the map
    ESP detection.
    Chat/log history
    Aim movement per frame
    body parts ( if your doing constant headshots )
    IP address

    These statistics will be used to determine if someone is cheating.
    We don't know if this system will be manually used to reset people or if this system is fully automatic.

    FairFight needs cheaters. The more cheaters get banned, the better FairFight can flag potential players on suspicious stats.
    We believe that every statistic of banned players is added to fine tune the line between cheaters and legit players.
    This will generate a better view of who might be cheating and who doesn't.

    The longer you play....the harder it is for fairfight to ban you.
    If you have an account with low statistics, high played hours, the account will take way longer to get banned then a brand new account with no stats.

    FairFight and how to beat it!

    In this post ill be teaching you how to beat Fairfight.

    Battlelog and other stats tracking services are now your best friend!
    To beat a stats tracking machine, it's best to use Battlelog and other stats tracking services to monitor your stats.
    Don't have graphs with sudden skyrocketing lines...

    Change your cheat behavior!

    If you want to evade fairfight, consider changing/adapting the following,
    Switch between hitzones!
    That's right having an abnormal headshot ratio can cause a flag by FairFight.
    Avoid it by changing the aimbot's hitzone
    You can also make keybinds of different hitzones. Rotate between headshot, bodyshot, arms or feet.
    Turn off NoSpread/NoRecoil
    Insane accuracy stats can cause a flag. Disable it from time to time or randomly shoot to lower your accuracy.
    It's also vital you disable it once in a while when you kill players.
    Prevent snap kills!
    Legit players cant kill 5 people under 2 seconds and if you do you'll get flagged by fairfight anyway.
    Use the following command "aimbot.switchtarget false". This will make the aimbot no longer snap from target to target.
    Use the slow aim and limit aim angle features in the aimbot tab to make it more natural!
    Don't use the aimbot at all times!
    Don't use it all the times, switch between your aimbot and triggerbot!
    It's adviced not to type commands or use the cheat GUI ingame. They can track this!
    Instead make your setting/changes when outgame.
    Change your Player behavior!
    If you want to evade fairfight, consider changing/adapting the following,
    Don't look at enemies through buildings/hills, don't look at them constantly.
    Act like a legit player look around like one. Remember, FairFight is tracking player movement on the map. Cheaters have a unique movement pattern that other players don't have.
    Do not talk about hacks, cheats, cheating or boast about your skills. They track the chat! Advertising will get you banned if you have suspicious stats.
    Do not stats pad. They track and detect this.
    Last edited by UknownSystem; 01-30-2018 at 09:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Member
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    Oct 2016
    60.161164, 24.904580
    Thank you for this post mate!

    Saw this before you added on so, thought you were asking "How it works".
    Last edited by Phantom; 02-02-2018 at 06:59 PM.

  3. #3
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    i know and i didnt mean to put it in Subscription Change Requests this forum thing confuse me

  4. #4
    Retired Staff
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    Feb 2013
    The club
    I moved the thread to the General Chat section for you, thank you.
    We appreciate the post lets others see this and helps them understand.

  5. #5
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    yeah cuz i've been struggling with it FF the last few days, and i just wanted to tell others how it works, appreciate u for moving ur thread to general chat ^^


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